One Smooth Stone asked us to partner with them to provide experiential innovation for their client, Astellas. In addition to general session stage and lighting design, we produced a video opener, which combined performers who spoke on cue from satellite stages around the venue, attendees’ LED wristbands, and LED-enabled spheres, all wirelessly synced to change color in unison, creating a number of immersive moments that played out during the event.
Additional effort was focused on our work with Astellas to make their breakout sessions more interactive and engaging by developing a number of activities that emphasised experiential learning. Finally, we helped ideate and develop an Awards Banquet, produced to feel like a full-on TV awards show, including animated show elements, musical cues, and thematic design.
Mark Ledogar - President / Executive Producer
Gary Vlk - EVP & Co-Founder / Executive Producer
Steve Koppel - VP / Executive Producer
James A. Kern - Creative Director
Stephanie Selig - Producer
Jonathan Williams - Associate Producer